New stories in 2019!

CityLife Stories News

Our team of UEL student writers has just spent the last six months working with community members at four new organisations: Ageing Well DagenhamCody DockPepper Pot Day Centre and Stones End Day Centre, all of them committed to providing activities and higher life quality to community elders.

This cycle of storytelling encounters took the form of 12 collaborative creative workshops delivered by Project Coordinator Sam Dodd, in collaboration with University of East London PhD researcher Erica Masserano and her project Invisible London: Place and Identity in Londoners’ Life Stories, funded by the Stuart Hall Foundation.

20 new creative non-fiction pieces, both biographical and autobiographical, are now live on this site, and more will be forthcoming throughout the year.

Thank you to all our community partners and storytellers. It was lovely to meet you, and we will see you again!

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